Maximise Your Warehouse Space with Double Depth Pallet Racking Systems

Pallet Racking Workbench

Smarter Use of Warehouse Space with Double Depth Pallet Systems There is no ‘one size fits all’ in pallet racking. When it comes to choosing the best pallet racking solution, a range of factors comes into play: product volume, turnover rates and warehouse space. Maximising Warehouse Space with Double Depth Pallets If you are looking […]

Effective Ways to Preserve New Zealand’s Documentary Heritage with Archive Shelving

Proper storage ensures that archived files remain accessible for as long as they are needed. Taking care of important documents enables the retention of official records that document the actions and decisions of government bodies. This ensures that documents of significant value survive and remain accessible. In 2005, The Public Records Act of New Zealand […]

Adapting Warehouse Operations and Personnel to Minimise Earthquake Incident Losses


Pallet racking and shelving safety for storage and display are among the top priorities of people conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) in New Zealand. This is because the geographical location of New Zealand sits in between two highly active tectonic plates on the Earth’s crust, causing New Zealand to experience thousands of earthquake jolts […]

Using Your Retail Store Shelves and Displays to Stimulate Sales

From dress shops like Miss Smith’s Closet to global jewellers like Tiffany & Co, each store has a different approach to interior design and layout. But take a closer look, and you will find similar patterns or design strategies. From the walls to floor space, well-designed retail spaces can direct the customer around the store, […]

Preparing for Holiday Stress in Your Warehouses

Dura Pallet Racking

When the year starts coming to an end, consumers become more willing to reach deep down into their pockets. In December last year, the world spent $3 trillion of holiday shopping and Kiwis did not disappoint spending some NZ$6 billion — the highest monthly spending amount ever recorded. But behind all this fanfare are warehouses, […]

Fear Not the Quake: The Push for Seismic-Resistant Facilities

Earthquake Cracks

Last year, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck New Zealand, resulting in significant damage to buildings and infrastructure in northern Canterbury and southern Marlborough. It was the country’s strongest one since the 1968 Inangahua earthquake, surpassing the calamity’s magnitude 7.1. To this day, earthquakes come and go in New Zealand, and residents continue to prepare for […]

The Role of Glass Displays in Retail Stores

ShopFit Glass Displays

As racking suppliers offering a wide range of storage solutions, we provide quality glass displays to retail stores. Glass displays are widely used in stores for several reasons — it is an attractive material that works well in any setting. Glass displays are especially popular in luxury stores selling jewellery, watches and other precious desirables. They are […]

A Look at the Different Pallet Racking System Types

pallet racking

Warehouses present many risk factors that can lead to accidents and injuries. For example, high, over-stacked shelves can collapse, falling onto workers and hurting them, while also damaging other product. Because rows of shelves stacked with heavy boxes are a common sight in warehouses, it is important to know how to stack items on the shelves to avoid […]

Earthquake Preparedness For Warehouses


New Zealand’s recent tremors are a serious concern. Since the magnitude 7.8 Kaikoura earthquake hit on 14th November, the country has experienced over 8,000 recorded aftershocks; the most serious of which was the 4.7 magnitude earthquake that hit Central NZ on 7th December. It’s no secret that an earthquake is extremely destructive to standing structures. But one of the […]

Shelved but Not Singed: Fire Prevention Measures for Warehouses


A building designed to keep thousands, if not millions of product units safe must be kept secure not only from intruders but also the elements. Fire is a far worse problem for a warehouse than a burglary could ever be. The latest figures from the New Zealand Fire Service shows that in 2012, there were […]